Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have my eyes examined?

It is recommended to have an eye examination every one to two years for individuals with healthy eyes and who are not considered to be at high-risk for eye disease. If you wear contact lenses, or if you have diabetes, hypertension or are otherwise at risk for eye disease, you need to have your eyes examined annually.

How often should I have my eyes examined?

It is recommended to have an eye examination every one to two years for individuals with healthy eyes and who are not considered to be at high-risk for eye disease. If you wear contact lenses, or if you have diabetes, hypertension or are otherwise at risk for eye disease, you need to have your eyes examined annually.

My vision is clear. Do I still need an eye exam?

Absolutely! Many eye diseases have no symptoms in the early stages and the key to proper management is early detection.

What is Nearsightedness?

Nearsightedness or Myopia is a visual condition in which you see close objects clearly but cannot see in the distance as clearly.

What is Farsightedness?

Farsightedness or Hyperopia is a visual condition in which distant objects are seen more clearly that those objects at near.

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a visual condition that occurs when the front surface of your eye, the cornea, is slightly irregular in shape, resulting in vision being blurred at all distances.

What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a common vision condition in which it becomes increasingly difficult over time to focus on objects that are within close range. It generally occurs as we approach or progress into our 40's. People with presbyopia find that they have to hold reading material at arm's length or move their computer screen back in order to bring text into sharper focus. Signs of this include eyestrain, headaches, eye fatigue, blurred vision and a diminishing ability to maintain focus on near objects.

What are cataracts?

Cataracts are a normal aging change that occurs when the normally clear lens in your eye becomes cloudy. As the lens becomes cloudy, vision becomes blurred and/or distorted. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can be prescribed to provide clear vision until cataracts develop to the point where they impair vision. Then they need to be surgically removed. During this surgery an intraocular lens implant is usually inserted to replace your natural lens. However, contact lenses or eyeglasses are also often needed to fully restore the best vision.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a disease in which the pressure in the eye increases and damages the optic nerve. This damage can cause severe vision loss and even blindness if untreated. Glaucoma can be effectively treated with prescription eye drops or other medications which reduce the pressure. In some cases surgical management may be needed.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular Degeneration is a degenerative disease that affects the macula of the retina, which is responsible for central vision. There are 2 types: wet and dry. Some people with wet macular degeneration may be helped by laser treatments.

Is my contact lens prescription the same as my eyeglass prescription?

No! A contact lens prescription not only includes the power but also the size, curvature and the type of material of the contact lens. In addition, in order to compensate for the changes in distance from a pair of eyeglasses (which sit in front of your eyes) to your eye itself, often the power may be different.

I tried contact lenses a number of years ago and they didn't work out. Should I try again?

Yes! Many things have changed in the contact lens industry. There are new materials and new designs to address astigmatism and the need for bifocals.

I have astigmatism, can I wear contact lenses?

Yes! With today's advances in contact lenses, most eyes with astigmatism can be fitted comfortably and clearly with contacts.

Do they make bifocal contact lenses?

Yes! There are several different bifocal and multifocal designs available for presbyopic patients.

I've been told that I can no longer wear contact lenses because of allergies. Is there anything new for me?

Yes! Certain contact lens materials and solutions are designed to minimize the symptoms of contact lens related allergies. Also, there are now daily disposable contact lenses which are FDA approved to reduce allergic symptoms.

It's less expensive to store my contact lenses in saline solution overnight. Is this OK?

No! Saline solution does not disinfect contact lenses. Disinfection is imperative in the prevention of eye infections.

Can I sleep in my contact lenses?

There is an increased risk of infections and complications with overnight wear. However, your doctor can minimize these risks by fitting you with contact lenses specifically approved for overnight wear. Proper follow-up care is necessary to maintain eye health.

Why don't insurance companies pay for the "contact lens fitting" of the exam?

Many insurance companies consider contact lenses as a cosmetic option and therefore will not pay for testing and evaluation of contact lenses. Since there are additional tests as well as more time involved in seeing a contact lens wearer, there is an additional professional fee for contact lens wearers. The fee is dependent on the complexity of the case as well as the amount of time to successfully fit the patient.

I can buy my contact lenses cheaper online. Can I have my contact prescription?

The patient can always get a copy of their contact lens prescription after the fitting and evaluation process is complete. Often times, patients are surprised that our contact lens pricing is very competitive with the popular contact lens websites. There are times where contact lenses will cost less especially when insurance benefits and manufacturer rebates are factored in. We will provide replacement lenses if there are any problems as well as that "extra pair" to get one by until the next eye exam.

When I drive at night, why do I have problems with the lights of oncoming cars?

The lights of oncoming vehicles cause glare, which is a halo of light surrounding the car light. Bright lights and glare cause the pupils to dilate, making it more difficult to see details in the dark. Glasses with anti-reflective lenses can eliminate much of the glare from these lights, making night driving more comfortable.

I am currently wearing bifocals. Can I adjust to the no-line bifocals?

Generally, yes. Progressive lenses (no-line bifocals) have changed a great deal in the last several years and it is easier than ever to adjust to these new lens designs. It is critical to have a proper progressive fitting and design to have the greatest chances to succeed. However there are certain patients and types of professions that are better suited for the more traditional bifocal.